Since its inception, the school’s main thrust in meeting these broad objectives has been the training of middle level manpower for Health industries. Its course was designed to provide necessary skills and professional ethics for those who would function in a specialised area Health institution.
Changing manpower needs in the health industry in Nigeria have compelled an elaboration of the original programme orientation of the school. In other words, the whole academic programme has been restructured with a desire to expose Nursing Students to all the core and elective courses in the programme in hierarchically articulated and increasingly more sophisticated fashion culminating in comprehensive training.

Competencies of a Clinical Nurse

The school is reputed as the best school of Nursing in Nigeria and is recognized for quality education. By the end of the third year. The students are expected to have acquired enough knowledge and skills in all the aspect of the training to be able to meet with challenges in healthcare and also compete with globally. They are known to demonstrate high level of competence. The competencies of an individual who has successfully completed the requirements of the nursing programme include the ability to:
•  Utilize the nursing process in the provision of quality care.
•  Improving the quality of nursing care by implementing pre and post-clinical visits to patients.
•  Ensure safety and adequate provision of instruments and equipment during clinical procedures.
•  Prepare the clinics for     demonstrating skills in the care of instruments and equipment used in any clinical procedure, emergency and routine procedures.
•  Function as a scrub or circulating nurse during clinical intervention.
•  Prevent and control infection in the clinics
•  Ensure the utilization of clinical facilities according to laid down policies of the institution.
•  Control traffic within the department by instructing and directing clinical staff and users.
•  Teach and supervise safe practice of clinical nursing to student nurses, medical students, and students of allied professions.
•  Function as an advisor in the planning and commissioning of a new clinical suite.
•  Foremost plan and executive the departmental budget.
•  Formulate organizational and managements policies of the department.
•  Participate in and conduct research projects geared towards improving clinical care.



The Nursing Education is a 36 calendar month programme of study. The programme involves both theoretical and practical exposure of students. The Prospective candidates into this programme are expected to have obtained the basic 0’level papers in NECO, WAEC or equivalent i.e. 5 credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Biology and any other two subjects from the following: Physics, Chemistry, Agricultural Science, Economics and Geography at not more than two sittings of same examination body plus at least 50% score in the selection screening test and oral interview.

In addition, the prospective students must show Evidence Of Sponsorship throughout the period of training, and the final acceptance of a student depends on success at the medical examination which is carried out on arrival at the school. Intake of students is once a year. School fees are not static. They are subjects to review. Students do not pay tuition fees.


The examination for the Nursing programme shall consist of school examination and Nursing and Midwifery Council final qualifying examination.


The School Examination consists of two parts:

The Course work (Continuous Assessment): This shall constitutes 30% of the total marks obtainable by the student during the programme which includes course work and attendance at the school and clinical area.

Semester Examination: This shall constitute 70% of the total marks obtained by the students at each semester examination including Oral/Practical Examination


The Council Final Qualifying Examination is in three parts:

Written Examination (Paper 1 and 11) Objectives (40%) and Essay 50% (Answer all Questions)

Practical Examination 60 minutes to be held in Clinical Settings

Viva with presentation of project and care study 10 minutes

Candidates who fail one aspect of hospital final are usually referred to sit for nursing council examination in May. They take a repeat examination simultaneously with their colleagues writing the nursing council examination.

Unsuccessful candidate shall repeat the Council’s Examination twice only.

One patient care study and one project shall be presented in written form by the student



Achievement Grades

The pass mark for all examinations shall be 50% interpreted thus:


70% & Above


B =

69 – 65%


C =

60 – 64%

(Very Good)

D =

55 – 59%


E =

50- 54%


F =

Below 50%

( Fail)


Upon successful completion of the programme, the student shall be required to seek registration with Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria as a Registered Perioperative Nurse and shall be licensed to practice as such


To qualify for the school examination, a student shall have attended at least 75% of the prescribed lectures, seminars, tutorials, and practical lessons in each session. Examination for each course shall be held and the examination may include an assessment through term paper, take-home assignments, continuous assessment, class tests, etc which shall carry 30% and the examination shall carry 70%. The results of the semester examinations shall automatically form part of the final examination.

No candidate shall be admitted to any examination in any course unless the student is cleared by the coordinator and the appropriate lecturer(s) certifies to the academic board that he/she has completed the attendance.

The overall performance of each candidate during an entire session shall be determined by means of weighted average grades, obtained by awarding credit points in each course on the basis of the unit value of the course multiplied by the numerical value of the grade obtained; such that:

A = 5 credit point per unit

B = 4 credit point per unit

C = 3 credit point per unit

D = 2 credit point per unit

E = 1 credit point per unit

F = 0 credit point per unit

The grade point average = total number of credit points divided by the total number of course units. A candidate shall be recorded as having obtained in a course a level of achievement grade that follows.

A = 70% and above

B = 60% – 69%

C = 50% – 59%

D = 45% – 49%

E = 40% – 44%

F = 0% – 39%


• Students are not allowed to smoke, drink or chew anything while in class.
• No student shall be admitted into the lecture room after the lecture has started.
• No student shall be allowed to entertain any visitor in the lecture room or make/attend to phone calls during lectures. Violation of this rule attracts an immediate suspension of the affected students. However, lecturers would be required to administer assignments, projects and tests which would form part of the student’s grades for the semester.
• No teacher is allowed to sell handouts, course profiles or any form of material for monetary rewards except those approved by the governing council/academic board.
• The School will not tolerate any form of indiscipline from any student i.e. disobedience to lecturers, students fighting with one another, the use of vulgar or profane language against fellow student, hooliganism, cultism and violence/disorder. Violation of this rule attracts immediate dismissal.
• Pregnancy is not tolerated in the school. As a result of this No pregnant student shall be allowed into the classroom or clinical attachment, unless after delivery. This is to enable those affected to take care of themselves.


Each registered student of the school upon payment of a prescribed fee is issued with an official student identity card valid as may be indicated on the card. All persons, while on University College Hospital property, may be required, for reasonable cause, to identify themselves by authorized officials carrying out their duties. Students are strongly advised therefore to carry their identity cards with them always and to be ready to produce them any time on demand. Students must surrender their identity cards to the school upon their graduation or withdrawal from the school.



Each student is assigned a matriculation number upon registration and indexing. No official student paper or document may be regarded as complete or valid unless it carries the correct matriculation number. Students are therefore advised to know and to be always definite about their matriculation numbers, and to use these numbers on all official transactions, including payment of fees. Once a student has been given a Matriculation Number, he must retain it for any form of registrations. Disciplinary procedures will be taken against any student who attempts to obtain a second Matriculation Number.


Examination constitutes a very important aspect of the school functions. Students are therefore advised in their own interest to abide by all the school rules and regulations pertaining to examinations.

Examination Eligibilities are as follows:

•   Students who have not paid their school fees in full will not be allowed to write the examination. If they do, their result will not be released until they pay fully.
•   Candidates must attend punctually at the times assigned to their papers, and must be ready to be admitted into the examination hall thirty minutes before the time the examination is due to start. However, candidates arriving more than thirty minutes after the examination has started shall be admitted only at the discretion of the Chief Invigilator.
•   Any student who absents him/herself from the examination does so at his/her own risk. No student will be allowed to do the carryover examination as his/her first attempt.
•   While the examination is in progress, communication between candidates is strictly forbidden, and any candidate found to be giving or receiving irregular assistance may be required to withdraw from the examination. In similar vein, the use of scrap paper is not permitted. All rough work must be done in the answer books and crossed neatly through. Any student caught with lecture clips or any form of material, other than those supplied by invigilators during examination shall be viewed with contempt and the penalty shall be outright cancellation of the paper.
•   Before handing in their scripts at the end of the examination, candidates must satisfy themselves that they have inserted at the appropriate places, their Matriculation numbers and numbers of the questions they had answered.
•   Examination answer  scripts/sheets whether used or unused should not be taken out of the examination hall by candidates.
•   Candidates should sit according to any arrangement made by the Chief Invigilator for examinations.